Lufthansa Cargo offers several live animal transportation services to all international destinations, including many favorite vacation spots. Their employees provide individual care and food to your four-legged friends, who can then recover nicely from their travels. You can avoid unnecessary stress on animals by waiting to bring them to the aircraft until shortly before departure. When booked in advance, flying pets as cargo with Lufthansa includes an airline-approved plastic kennel. Available in four different sizes, they are fitted with absorbent liners and plenty of ventilation.


Live Premium: Exclusive Pet Transport Service

With Live Premium, you get exclusive services to ensure cat and dog owners that their four-legged friends receive even more comfort and personal attention. Lufthansa Cargo will send pictures of your pet as soon as it’s settled in an extra spacious kennel at the Animal Lounge. In addition, a personal contact is available if you have any questions. They also make allowances for special requests in transit, including administering medications or providing special food. Get a stronger peace of mind about your pet’s upcoming travels with this luxury pet transportation service. More information about Live Premium can be found here.


More Animal Transport Services

In addition to flying common household pets, Lufthansa Cargo may provide live animal air transportation for horses, ornamental fish, zoo animals, and hatching egg chicks. The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) has information about entering the European Union with animals and how to contact the animal border inspection office in Frankfurt. For the delivery of your pet with Lufthansa Cargo, you need a completed Shipper’s Certificate.

Find more information about Lufthansa Airlines Pet Policies.