2 08, 2019

How to Safely Remove a Tick in a Pet

By |2019-11-20T14:05:39-07:00August 2nd, 2019|Blog|Comments Off on How to Safely Remove a Tick in a Pet

Ticks are both a daily nuisance and an extreme danger for all pets who spend time outside. Whether you’re going for a walk near your home or traveling out of state for some outdoor adventure, these little bugs are hazardous. If you do find a tick on your pet, it is essential to remove it correctly. Any contact with a tick’s blood can potentially transmit infection to your animal or, in some cases, to you. Plus, improperly removing one of these pests can result in breaking the insect apart, leaving the head inside your animal’s skin. You’ll want to remove the insect as quickly as possible, but you’ll need to carefully follow instructions to reduce possible harm. We’ve included a step-by-step guide to safely removing a tick.

Step 1: Put on latex or rubber gloves to you do not have contact with the tick or the bite area. Keep a screw-top jar full of rubbing alcohol nearby, and if possible, enlist a partner to help distract and soothe the animal during the removal process.

Step 2: Using a pair of tweezers, grasp the tick as close to the animal’s skin as possible. Pull straight upwards with even, steady pressure. When the tick comes loose, place it in the jar. This will allow you to bring it to the veterinarian for testing in case the insect transmitted any disease to your pet. During the removal process, be sure to not twist or jerk the tick; this could leave parts of the insect inside the pet, and the tick could regurgitate infecting fluids.

Step 3: Use rubbing alcohol to disinfect the bite area, then wash your hands with soap and water. Remember to sterilize your tweezers with alcohol or by carefully running them over a flame. Remember to never squeeze or crush the tick, as the insect’s fluids may contain infective organisms.

Step 4: Monitor the bite area over the next few weeks for any signs of infection, such as redness or inflammation. If you suspect an infection, bring your pet – and the jarred tick – to the veterinarian for evaluation.

The best way to protect your dog from tick bites is to prevent them from happening in the first place. Many products on the market for flea treatment can also kill ticks. If you’re interested, speak to your veterinarian about the best product for your pet. Dog owners can also ensure a tick-free lawn by mowing regularly and removing weeds.

Even with the bet preparation, accidents are sometimes inevitable. If you find a tick bite on your dog, a steady removal is the best, safest thing you can do for him.

15 07, 2019

Hot Weather Safety Tips and Recognizing Overheating in Pets

By |2019-11-20T14:05:50-07:00July 15th, 2019|Blog|Comments Off on Hot Weather Safety Tips and Recognizing Overheating in Pets

Summertime is perfect for connecting with your pets. The long, sunny days are a great opportunity for long walks, mountain adventures, and strolls along the beach, all with Fido in toe.

Unfortunately, being overeager in hot temperatures can be hazardous for our furry friends because dogs are not well-suited to extreme heat. Overheating is very dangerous for pets, and in some cases, that long, mid-day walk can mean the difference between life and death. Because of this, it is crucial that all pet owners know how to recognize signs of heatstroke, how to treat overheating in pets, and what immediate actions can save a dog’s life.

Heatstroke normally happens when animals lose their ability to regulate body temperatures. As you may know, dogs do not sweat as humans do; rather, body temperatures I regulated by respiration, such as panting. If a dog’s respiratory tract cannot clear heat quickly enough, heatstroke becomes a very real threat. Common signs of heatstroke include hyperventilation, dry gums that become pale, excessive panting, increased salivation, a rapid pulse, confusion, diarrhea, weakness, vomiting, and possible rectal bleeding. Left untreated, these symptoms will grow worse and, eventually, lead to seizure or coma.

If you suspect your dog is suffering from heatstroke, bring them inside immediately. Use a rectal thermometer to take the animal’s temperature. A normal body temperature is at or around 101.5 degrees Fahrenheit, and moderate heating usually clocks in at between 103 to 104 degrees. Severe heating is anything beyond 104 degrees. If your dog’s temperature is in this danger zone, bring them to the veterinarian or the nearest emergency center immediately.

In the meantime, you can reduce your dog’s temperature by putting cool, wet towels on his neck, under his armpits, and between his hind legs. If you can, you should also wet his ear flaps and paw pads with cool water. Give your dog fresh, cool drinking water, and ensure he is comfortable for the ride to the doctor.

So, how do you prevent heatstroke in animals? As it turns out, it’s a fairly simple task.

  • Provide plenty of fresh, cool water. Pets can get dehydrated quickly, and this is exacerbated when temperatures rise.
  • Never leave your pet in a parked vehicle. Temperatures in an unairconditioned car can rise rapidly.
  • Never shave your dog. The layers of a dog’s coat can protect them from overheating and sunburn and removing the coat will decrease the ability to regulate their body temperature.
  • Don’t let your pet linger on hot asphalt. Keeps walks on grass or gravel whenever possible and limit all time on pavement. Hot sidewalks and roads can burn sensitive paw pads.

Additionally, animals with flat faces, like pugs and Persian cats, are more susceptible to heat stroke since they cannot pant as effectively. Similarly, older, overweight, and pets with heat and lung diseases should be kept in cool, air-conditioned rooms as much as possible.

If you’re traveling to a warmer part of the world, keep in mind that some airlines and airports put restrictions on pet travel when temperatures rise above 85 degrees Fahrenheit. This will usually apply to animals traveling as cargo. If you’re concerned about your upcoming trip, check our airlines guides for company-specific restrictions.

1 07, 2019

The Most Common Summer Dangers for Pets

By |2019-11-20T14:06:05-07:00July 1st, 2019|Blog|Comments Off on The Most Common Summer Dangers for Pets

For most, summer is the best time of the year. Rainy spring gives way to sparkling, sunny summer, bringing cook-outs, vacations, pool parties, and more. That said, when temperatures spike, new, seasonal dangers arrive for pets. Whether you’re staying at home or taking a week-long trip to the mountains, keep these common summer dangers for pets in mind whenever your beloved animal is by your side.

Ticks– Ticks are some of the worst dangers for pets who spend a lot of time outside. Ticks can carry a number of diseases, including Lyme disease, but the symptoms are often very hard to spot. Talk to your veterinarian to get an effective tick medication. We recommend that you or your dog walker check your pet for ticks at least once every day and look thoroughly after walks or trips through wooded areas. Ticks are a threat around the country, even in cities. If you have an extra few minutes after work or before going to sleep, spend them searching for these pesky insects.

Water – Remember: not all dogs have mastered the doggy paddle. Some like water, while others don’t. Some dogs are great swimmers, while others struggle to stay afloat. Before you bring Fido to the beach or pool, buy a flotation device to keep them safe. If your pup loves the water, be sure to always rinse off after a swim. Chlorine, salt and bacteria in pools and lakes can be harmful.

Dehydration and Heat Exhaustion– These threats are very dangerous during the summer. Animals should always have fresh, clean water, but summertime necessitates portable water bowls on walks, vacations, and long car rides. Watch out for common symptoms, including lethargy, decreased urination, dry gums, and a refusal to eat, and read our hot weather safety tips post for tips on reducing this threat.

Sidewalks – We’ve all heard the phrase: If you’re cold, they’re cold. The truth is, the same applies to hot temperatures. Surfaces like black pavement can get very hot in the summer sun, resulting in burnt or damaged paw pads. Whenever possible, stay away from asphalt or rough pavement, and try to schedule your walks for cooler times of day. Common sense tricks, like walking in the shade or on the grass, will also help.

Bee Stings – Dogs and cats love to play with other wild things, especially if they buzz. Some of those buzzing insects, though, can have a painful effect. There’s not much you can do if your pet is stung, but severe swelling merits a trip to the vet. They may prescribe an over-the-counter medication. The best solution? Keep Fido and Fluffy as far away from these stingers as possible.

Cookouts – Summer is measured in the time between barbeques and cookouts. For many of us, it’s the best part of warm weather – sitting outside with friends with a few hamburgers on the grill. Unfortunately, those grilled hamburgers may be dangerous for your dog. Some surprising foods, like grapes, onions, garlic, and raisins, can be toxic to dogs when consumed in large quantities. Furthermore, meat with bones should be avoided at all costs, as overexcited dogs tend to swallow morsels whole. In general, table scraps and treats should not exceed more than 10 percent of your dog’s total diet, and you should communicate these dangers to hosts ahead of time.

25 06, 2019

WalletHub’s Pet-Friendly Airline Rankings

By |2019-11-20T14:06:18-07:00June 25th, 2019|Blog|Comments Off on WalletHub’s Pet-Friendly Airline Rankings

Earlier this month, WalletHub published their annual airline rankings across several categories including pet-friendly airlines. We were reviewing these rankings as well as the methodology used, and several things jumped out to us. We wanted to discuss these results and process with our audience in case you come across these rankings and statistics online, or if you’re just generally interested in which airlines are most pet-friendly as part of making plans for your next trip.

Notes about Pet-Friendly Airline Rankings

  • Based on the number of animal fatalities, injuries, and lost animals (prorated for the total number of animals transported by the airline), the rankings are volatile from one year to the next. It’s hard to tell whether there’s any discernible pattern at all. Many airlines bounce around in their pet safety performance, but Delta has seemed uncannily consistent from one year to the next.
  • Speaking of Delta’s consistency, it will be interested to see if its long-term partnership with Carepod to monitor and make real-time reports of a pet’s travel status. Another major airline, United Airlines has no ranking at all from 2018, presumably from the period when it suspended its pet travel program to audit and overhaul their safety policies.
  • Envoy Air shows that airlines don’t necessarily need a lot of experience or a long track record to get things right. New this year, the airline ranks second. In fact, the top scorers from this year are all regional airlines. It’s also interesting to us that Alaska Airlines ranks third. While this airline serves plenty of other places than Alaska, it’s concentration of more northernly locations would seem to present clear pet travel dangers. But, apparently, this isn’t the case.
  • The rankings also indicate that four major airlines (Frontier, JetBlue, Southwest, and Spirit) do not transport animals at all. This, however, is not entirely true. These airlines do not allow for pet travel with cats and small dogs that can fit under the seat in front of you in the cabin of the plane. Thus, these rankings would seem to only apply to larger animals traveling as cargo or as checked baggage.

Big-picture, these types of airline rankings can be interesting to cite and mildly useful, but they’re based on limited information and specific applications. Depending on your situation and particular pet travel plans, these rankings and information may not be relevant. And certainly, you shouldn’t base your travel plans solely on these rankings. Moreover, choosing a pet-friendly airline known for safety doesn’t relieve pet owners of their responsibility to know and follow all the applicable pet travel rules.

9 06, 2019

What’s Weekend Warrior Syndrome?

By |2019-11-20T14:06:29-07:00June 9th, 2019|Blog|Comments Off on What’s Weekend Warrior Syndrome?

We’ve all experienced it: You spend your winter inside, curled up on the couch, but when the sun comes out, you have the urge to go for a run. You were in pretty good shape last fall, so you head out for a few miles when the temperature rises above 45 degrees. As it turns out, you are decidedly not in shape. This is called Weekend Warrior Syndrome, and it can impact both you and Fido.

Weekend Warrior Syndrome is what happens when you don’t exercise at all during the week, then overdo your exercise on the weekend. This is exacerbated in the spring, when you may not have exercised intensely for several months. Weekend warriors may exercise for several hours without properly stretching, and over-exercising can often lead to injury, dehydration, and other ailments.

While you should be aware of your own propensity for Weekend Warrior Syndrome, be sure to keep a close eye on your pet as the temperatures get warmer. After several months of inactivity, your dog may have gained weight and lost muscle tone, and he could be a little stiff in the joints. On hot pavement or rough hiking terrain, cuts and sores on paw pads are a common danger. If you want to bring him on runs and long walks as soon as the weather gets nicer, be sure to do it in environments that are friendly to your dog. Even then, be sure to be on the lookout for signs of over-exercising in your pet.

It’s important to start reintroducing your outdoor pets to favorite activities slowly. This prevents exhaustion and injury. Start with shorter runs, walks, and hikes, the increase to longer stretches or games of fetch and Frisbee. Remember that dogs aren’t always in shape, and they’re not always ready to run. Like us, they need gradual conditioning through incremental increases in exercise frequency, intensity, and duration.

If you’re ready to bring Fido outside, you should also know about breed-specific risks. Labrador Retrievers, for example, can suffer from cranial cruciate ligament ruptures if they aren’t conditioned slowly. Herding and agility dogs can suffer ligament damage from frequent direction changes, and certain types of Retriever can experience patellar luxation. Before embarking on a high-energy activity, see what your pet might be genetically predisposed to and be sure to keep a close eye on discomfort.

21 05, 2019

Can Pets have Seasonal Allergies?

By |2019-05-06T11:26:12-06:00May 21st, 2019|Blog|Comments Off on Can Pets have Seasonal Allergies?

Cats and dogs can experience most health ailments that plague humans. That means seasonal allergies, the great equalizer, can affect cats and dogs, sometimes more intensely than they do humans. If you’re worried about Fido or Fluffy having an allergic reaction – either at home or while on a trip – there are a few things you can do to prevent catastrophe.

To start, dust, mold, and pollen are among the most common triggers of seasonal allergies in pets. All of these can result in sneezing, coughing, excessive scratching, licking, and chewing. If you suspect your pet may have an allergy to one or more of these triggers, make an appointment with your veterinarian to figure out a treatment that works for you and Fluffy. That said, most symptoms of seasonal allergies, in both cats and dogs, are frequently skin-related. Your pet can experience extreme itchiness, inflammation, and hot spots. Animals who have stronger allergies can also experience ear and respiratory issues.

Luckily, pet parents can control the presence of these triggers in their homes. While spring cleaning, inspect all moist cracks and crevices for signs of mold. If you find any, remove your pet from the room, don a breathing mask, and get to work scrubbing the spores away. To prevent accumulation of dust and pollen, dust your home frequently, keep fans running to circulate the air, and keep your windows closed as much as possible – at least until allergy season has passed.

Pet dermatologists recommend taking a similar approach to pet allergies as you would your own. Give cats and dogs frequent baths to provide immediate relief from itchiness and wash away allergens that may coat their fur and skin. If you’re worried Fido is tracking in pollen from outside, clean their feet whenever they enter the house. You may also want to consider an allergy-fighting supplement, like pet Benadryl. You can get this medication through your veterinarian or a pet supply website. In most cases, you will not need a prescription to get these medications and they will rarely cost more than $10.

If you plan to travel at peak allergy season, be sure to research the allergens that may be present at your destination. There’s nothing worse than having an allergy-ridden pup on what’s supposed to be a relaxing weekend away. If you suspect your pet has an allergy, buy a medication or supplement prior to travel – just to ensure you have something handy in case of disaster. If allergies strike while you’re away and you’re unprepared, take a quick visit to the nearest pet store and see what they have.

If you don’t take steps to address seasonal allergies, they can turn into a year-round problem. If you suspect your pet has environmental allergies, do what you can to aggressively manage their symptoms. This keeps Fido and Fluffy comfortable and ensures their immune systems stay strong and resilient, even in the face of pollen, dust, and mold.

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